Vous êtes ici:Page d'accueil»Heartland of Legends Route»A propos de nous»Chypre»Pafos»Bureau d'informations touristiques Pafos (Paphos)

The Deputy Ministry of Tourism Ministry has designed a route that travels through Cyprus’ heartland areas. The route brings visitors close to Cypriot nature and gives you the opportunity to familiarize with local traditions and to experience the Cypriot way of life. The route is called "Heartland of Legends" and consists of a main route, which passes through rural, mountainous and remote areas, and of several smaller thematic routes, which start or end along the main route. Practical information as well as a variety of suggestions on what to do, are available on different sites along the routes. Visitors will be able to choose from a variety of standalone experiences (day trips) or do many stops with similar themes. The route includes not only a variety of attractions and places of natural beauty, but also accommodation establishments, restaurants, small businesses, communities and other places that offer different and alternative experiences.

Heartland for Legend leaflet (pdf)


Heures d'ouverture:

Lundi-Vendredi: 08:30 - 16:00

Agoras 8, Pafos
+357 26 932 841
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